Lord, When?: A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming is a faith-based book examining the questions, objections, and viewpoints surrounding the Tribulation period and the Rapture of the Church. It provides an understanding of the scriptures that introduces us to the greatest hope.

From Death to Life: An Overview of the Foundational Doctrines of the Christian Faith is a faith-based book that explores the core doctrines of the Christian faith.



“Minister Cobb is very knowledgeable in scripture and well-versed when it comes to eschatology!”
– Amazon Review

After John J. Cobb accepted Jesus, because of the lack of information about Christianity in the area into which he moved, he was coerced into a different denomination. He went back to Christianity but he had to work hard to discover the fundamentals of the religion. Cobb wrote From Death to Life to appeal to all readers, and he seeks to help people who want to learn more about God. He presents them with the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. The author details God’s holiness and sovereignty, outlines sin and sin force, discusses foreknowledge and predestination, touches on faith and hope, highlights the Holy Spirit and the word of God in salvation, and the process of sanctification. Cobb provides questions at the end of each chapter to emphasize certain points in the text and allow readers a place to reflect on them.

Many Christians can’t define their religion, but John J. Cobb uses three decades of scriptural study to present the truths as he knows them and discusses key doctrines that are essential to a Christian. His goal is to inform readers so they may search the scriptures for truth and understand God more clearly. The author’s graphics were direct and clarified his key points. I was especially interested in how influence plays a part in the introduction of sin, the way “sin force” entered the world, and Cobb’s in-depth explanation of how sin separated Adam from God and how you may be “born again.” From Death to Life is motivational and uplifting, providing moments of enlightenment as readers gain a deeper understanding of certain biblical concepts.
C. T.  Hoyle


Lord, When? A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming is a work of non-fiction in the religious, spiritual, and devotional writing subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author John J Cobb, the work delves into the intricacies of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, adopting a ‘post-tribulation’ standpoint. The book meticulously weaves together biblical verses, illustrations, timelines, and charts to build a comprehensive argument. Drawing heavily from the book of Daniel and referencing passages from Matthew and 1 Thessalonians, Cobb constructs a narrative that challenges preconceived notions about the timing of Jesus Christ’s return and the resurrection of the saints.

Author John J Cobb is to be commended for his commitment to scriptural analysis in this devoted work that goes the extra mile in exploring the perspectives concerning the Second Coming. I thought that the inclusion of visual aids certainly enhanced the clarity of the narrative and gave an added layer of accessibility for readers seeking further explanations. Thanks to the friendly and approachable narrative of the author, this spiritual text offers a thought-provoking journey into eschatological perspectives, providing a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy whilst also being easy and enjoyable to read. I also liked the organization of the work and how the evidence is woven seamlessly into the flow of the explanations to show the full perspective of each point in its proper context. Overall, I would certainly recommend Lord, When? to spiritual readers and those interested in theology who want to read something inspiring, well-penned, and as enthusiastic as it is informative.
– K.C. Finn


by John J. Cobb begins with Christian doctrines surrounding the Rapture, its timing, and related concepts. Divergent views on the Rapture’s timing spark extensive discussions, with Cobb discussing the Olivet Discourse’s relevance in Matthew. He draws parallels between current times and biblical prophecies, raising questions about societal reflections and impending tribulations. Cobb explains the Thessalonian Christians’ concerns, challenging notions of true Christians apostatizing and examining the impact of the prosperity and faith movements. Cobb reviews the concept of the Antichrist, scrutinizes biblical prophecies, and argues for a pre-Tribulation Rapture, connecting it to events like the battle of Armageddon. Throughout, Cobb emphasizes the importance of accurate interpretation for spiritual preparation, stressing the impending return of the Lord and the need for a strong hope built on faith to endure biblical prophecies’ challenges.

In his book Lord, When? A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming, John J. Cobb does an excellent job of breaking down the discrepancies between some of the most important aspects of the doctrine surrounding the return of Jesus Christ. Using cohesive and logical reasoning, Cobb connects a massive number of biblical passages to support each point that he makes. The writing is clear and, most importantly, accessible to readers of all levels of understanding, especially by employing step-by-step reasoning and the emphasis on using scripture, not theories, for interpretation. The standout to me, and something that I rarely see in theological dissertations, is integrating Old and New Testament connections, which is crucial in demonstrating a thorough understanding of biblical continuity. For example, Cobb links Daniel’s prophecy and the Book of Revelation, identifying the people of the prince in Daniel 9 as the Romans and tying it to Revelation’s portrayal of the Antichrist. Cobb’s strength in harmonizing diverse biblical texts is one of many that make the assertions throughout credible and succeed in exactly what is intended: to provoke thought, introspection, and acceptance of an alternative point of view. Very highly recommended.

– Review by J. Michele


John J Cobb explores eschatology in Lord, When? A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming. The author touches on subjects relating to the Seventh Trumpet, signs of the times and our expectations, the antichrist, and the persecution that will follow all who believe in Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the need to rely on the information the Holy Spirit illuminates and illustrates what his readers can expect as the end of times draws near. The author reveals a key book of the Bible that helps with the conception of biblical philosophy and clues God left about Jesus’s return. Cobb provides readers with the information they need to recognize the period before Christ’s return and elaborates on the seventy weeks of Daniel and the last seven years of the world.


The book supports that author John J Cobb is knowledgeable in biblical scripture and an expert in eschatology. He uses the evidence in scripture to show his readers what they can expect when the end of times begins and the rapture happens. Many people claim the Christian rapture will happen soon, and they see the confirmation of it in the world around them. Cobb’s text challenges their assertions with biblical proof and seeks to prepare his readers for the antichrist and rapture. His in-depth look into common questions Christians ask their spiritual leaders reflects the deep understanding of an ordained Baptist minister and a former contributor to the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. Sunday School Publishing Board. If you are looking for a sound comprehension of the second coming of Christ or if you study theology, Lord, When? is a must-read selection!

C. T.  Hoyle


John J. Cobb

Minister John J. Cobb resides in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, with his wife of over fifty-one years. He and his wife have two children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Aside from writing books, he is also a preacher, keynote, conference speaker, and workshop facilitator.

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Upcoming schedule for speaking engagements 2024



Sermon, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan

11:00 a.m.



Conference Leader

8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., (Location TBD)



Sermon, Shiloh Baptist church of Waukegan

11:00 a.m.



Conference Session Leader 

"Effective Bible Reading" Part I, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan - 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. - $25.00



Conference Session Leader 

"Baptist Doctrine" Part 1, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan - 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. - $25.00 (Zoom also)



Conference Session Leader 

"Effective Bible Reading" Part II, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan - 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.



Conference Session Leader 

"Baptist Doctrine" Part II, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan - 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. (Zoom also)



Speaking engagement

10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m., York, Illinois

1 - 3


Awards Conference, Phoenix AZ.

Upcoming schedule for speaking engagements 2025



Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan

800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL
11:00 a.m.
Contact (847) 662-6325
Free Will Offering



Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan

800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL
Contact (847) 662-6325
Conference Session Leader on "Foundation of Christian Ethics"
8:00 am- 5:00 p.m.
Free Will Offering
$30.00 or $25.00 for groups of five or more attendees



Conference Session Leader on Baptist Doctrine Part I

Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan, 800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL
8:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Contact (847) 662-6325
Continental Breakfast & Box Lunch at 7:30 a.m.



Conference Session Leader on Effective Bible Reading Part I (Zoom)

Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan, 800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL
2:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
Contact (847) 662-6325
Continental Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.



Conference Session Leader on Effective Bible Reading Part II (Zoom)

Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan, 800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IL
2:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.



Conference Session Leader 

"Baptist Doctrine" Part II, Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan - 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. (Zoom also)



Speaking engagement

10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m., York, Illinois

1 - 3


Awards Conference, Phoenix AZ.

Recipient Award for Book, "Lord When?" as recognized by: International Impact Book Awards

Radio Interview


Rev. JJ Cobb

T.V. Interview with Nim Stant, Phoenix, Az.


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